When in the process of getting a machine built, the choices for hoses may seem overwhelming. While it is easy to make mistakes when purchasing new hydraulic hoses, avoiding these common errors can ensure the success of your purchasing decision:
- Only focusing on price—It is natural to want to get a good price on your hoses, but this should not be the only factor affecting your buying decision. Consider whether a standard product will do the trick or if investing in premium hoses that provide double the lifespan will be worth it in the end.
- Forgetting about abrasion considerations—As you look at your options for hoses, make sure you consider some of the most common causes of hose failure. More specifically, consider the design of your machine and if the hoses you will use with it will be at a higher risk of abrasion than a standard assembly.
- Over- or underestimating covers—Depending on their price, most hose covers range from decent to great and extensive variation exists between levels. Make sure the quality of the covers you purchase complement the quality of the hoses you buy so one does not wear out faster than the other.
- Failing to think about warranties—While you look at hoses, make sure you consider the warranties provided by different manufacturers. In some cases, a hose’s warranty will only be valid if the hose and the fittings came from the same manufacturer, so double check this before making a final purchasing decision.